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First-time buyer guides

Young male couple hugging at home
First-time buyer

First-time buyer guide


You're a first-time buyer if you've never owned a house before, anywhere in the world. So, you might not know where to start. Here's a guide on how to tackle that!

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Woman cooking orange pan
First-time buyer

The single person's mortgage guide


Though the initial costs are higher, it’s absolutely possible to afford a mortgage on a single income. Learn more with Beehive Money today.

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Young males drinking iced coffee at shop brick walls
First-time buyer

Nine steps to getting on the property ladder


Buying your first home can seem daunting but we’re here to help with a selection of handy guides on saving your deposit, busting mortgage jargon and explaining the different types of mortgages.

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Young couple drinking coffee in the morning
First-time buyer

All about Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)


Stamp duty is a tax you'll need to pay on property you buy within a certain price bracket. Wondering whether you’re liable and how much it costs? We’ll explain.

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Young students talking drinking coffee pink hair
First-time buyer

What types of mortgages are available for first-time buyers?


You’re able to access most types of mortgages as a first-time buyer and there are several types to choose from. Here's a summary of the most popular types.

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Beehive icon sold sign bee
First-time buyer

Is buying a house right for me?


Buying a home is a huge step and is obviously one of the most expensive decisions you can make in your life. So, it’s understandable to feel unsure about whether it’s a decision for you or not.

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Bedroom bed plant light stay weird sign
First-time buyer

What's the best age to buy a house?


What is the best age to get a mortgage and what’s the average age to buy a house? We explain what you need to know about getting a mortgage at any age

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Yellow terrace house white door gate
First-time buyer

What’s the real cost of buying a home?


A house is one of the biggest purchases you'll ever make but as much as you're ready - there'll always be some things you might not immediately think about having to pay for. Here's our guide on the real cost of buying a house.

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